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January [[strikethrough]] 10 [[/strikethrough]] 11, 1892

11.45 Measures to determine magnitude of new variable in Scorpius (approx. 1900) 1656.8-3646. For measures of position of variable and comparison stars see fig 100. Comparison stars selected are B5418. spectrum Md on plate B8255.

Plate B5418 taken

                   Images prove hard to compare with scale

var     9.8      12.7         8.7
a       4.7 4.4   7.6         5.8
b       5.4       8.1         ---
c       6.1       9.0         2.9
d       6.7       9.6
e       7.5      10.4
f       8.4      11.3
g       9.1      12.0
h       9.6      12.5
k      10.0      12.9

11.0   h 3 v        11.3 11.3 11.30
11.3   v l K        11.4

Transcription Notes:
Sketch on the left of the table: 8.7 5.8 ___ 2.9