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[[ 9 columned table]]
|D.C. CL.|D.L.|No.|No. D.M.|D.L. Magn.|1855|---|2nd Exam. bu Mrs.F.|---|
|A.|.|6176|-19˚ 3521|5.5|12 25.4 -19 44|B3645√,I858.|F(-a)|4109 434 1 7.1, 7.1 stranger than in most stars of this class|
|A|.9|6419|+35˚ 2435|6.3|13 12.4 +35 54|B261W√|A K=H| |
|A|.3|6498|+0˚ 3076|4.0|13 27.4 +0 8|B1387.√|A K=.2| |
|A|.0|6686|+46˚ 1949|4.1|14 10.9 +46 46|B2429√.I3714|A| |
|A|.4|6751|+38˚ 2565|3.4|14 26.2 +38 58|I3389√|A K=H| |
|A|1.0|6802|-25˚ --|5.2|14^[[1900]] 40.2 -25 1|B3693√|F√ K=H|1 5.9, 6.1 ^[[Ident. Correct.]]X|
|A|.5|6828|+38˚ 2593|6.3|14 43.4 +38 24|B2738√I3726|F√|2 6.5, 6.8 ^[[Ident. Correct.]]X|
|A|.8|6864|-3˚ 3696|4.6|14 49.6 -3 45|B2372√|F√|4 5.4, -, 5.2, 5.4 ^[[Ident. Correct.]]X|
|A|.7|.7188|+55˚ 1793|5.3|15 54.4 +55 10|B2662√|F(a)|4104 434 5 ^[[Stranger than in most stars of this class.]]|
|B|.7|7539|[[strikethrough]]-21˚[[/strikethrough]]20 4731|4.8|17 12.3 -20 57|B3437√|F√|3 6.8, 5.3, 5.8, ^[[Ident. Correct.]]X|
|A|.3|7636|+12˚ 3252|2.9|17 28.2 +12 40|B1460√|A K=.5| |
|A|.1|7757|+50˚ 2468|5.2|17 45.6 +50 50|B2777√, I3766|A K=.2| |
|A|.1|8280|+38˚ 3238|B|18 32.0 +38 39|B2807√, B2896√|x A A K=.2|6.8, 6.9|
|A|1.0|8288|+63˚ 1493|6.7|18 34.2 +63 35|[[strikethrough]] B1701 [[/ strikethrough]]B2902√^I8580.|x E G Auley.|15 K=H.|
|A?|1.0|8578|+16˚ 3752|6.4|18 49.6 +16 35|[[strikethrough]]B2888 [[ strikethrough]]B1712|K|2 [[underlined]]6.7, [[underlined]] 7.3|
|A|.5|8656|-15˚ 5310|6.2|19 10.7 -15 47|B2872√|I|1 7.2, [[underlined]]7.3|
|A|1.0|8726|+2˚ 3789|4.0|19 18.2 +2 50|B698√|F(-A)|4109 434 2 5.4, [[underlined]] 5.1 stranger than in must stars of this class|
|A|.|8787|+48˚ 2905|6.4|19 27.0 +48 16|B2887√.I2286|A| |
|A?|1.0|8792|+7˚ 4132|5.6|19 27.0 +7 4|I2024√.|-K|1 7.0, 7.0|
|A|1.0|8865|-15˚ 5444|5.6|19 35.3 -15 48|B6230, 6534√.|F|2 7.0, 6.8|
|A|.4|8907|+8˚ 4236|B|19 43.7 +8 29|B635√ B754√|xAA|K=.5 K=.8|
|A|1.0|9028|+52˚ 2623|6.0|20 2.4 +52 44|B2956√|F|7 6.5, 7.1, 7.2, 6.1, 7.3, 7.0, 6.8|
|A|.0|9163|+45˚ 3196|5.6|20 25.2 +45 27|B1661√|G(-H)|1 6.9, 6.9|
|A?|1.0|9166|-10˚ 5423|5.7|20 24.5 -10 20|[[strikethrough]]B6228√[[/strikethrough]]B2938√|G(-H)|1 6.9, 7.0|
|A|.|9200|+9˚ 4600|5.8|20 32.1 +9 35|B6511√^[[broken]]|G(-F)|1 6.9, 7.1|
|A|.8|9328|+9˚ 4732|5.2|21 3.3 +9 33|B2953.√|A K=H)| |
|A|.0|9402|+10˚ 5668|6.0|21 17.4 -10 22|B2939.√|A K=.6)| |
|A|.6|9517|[[strikethrough]]+18˚[[/strikethrough]]˚+16 [[strikethrough]]4797 [[strikethrough]]3848 [[/strikethrough]]5943|[[strikethrough]]6.1 [[/strikethrough]]3.5 |[[strikethrough]]21 19.7 -18 46 [[/strikethrough]]21 39.0 -16 47|[[strikethrough]]B1720 [[/strikethrough]]B1855√|A K=.5)| |