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Star wanted is Dec. +19° 5101. 

Its place in the D.M. is in
[[3 columned table]]
|23^[[h]] 17^[[m]] 49.1^[[s]]| +19° 58.0'| 9.5|

There is, however, no star in this exact place. but there are two stars near it which have places (as referred to DM. +19° 5099) as fol.
[[3 columned table]]
|23 17 53.1|+19 52.3|10.4|
|23 17 58.1|+19 59.8|11.8|

Two photographs taken Sept-2, 1890 and July 27, 1893 show that the star has not moved perceptibly. Probably a change of 5" would be noticeable. The difference is position of the DM. and the photograph 5.7' would be compared to a [[strikethrough]]diff of[[/strikethrough]]motion of 340"/40
=8.5" a year.
Plates [[strikethrough]]7388[[/strikethrough]] 1781, 6839, 7388, and 8977
show no variable change in brightness.

Oct. 2, 1893