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December 13, 1894

Meas. of new var in   (Cont.)

[[3 columned table]]
|   |Plate B10298|   |
|8.9|c 4 v|9.3 9.3 =9.30|
|9.3|v 1 d|9.4|
|   |Plate B10510|   |
|8.9|c 3 v|9.2 9.2 =9.20|
|9.2|v 2 d|9.4|
|   |Plate B10511|   |
|8.9|c 4 v|9.3 9.3 = 9.30|
|9.3|v 1 d|9.4|
|   |Plate B10794 Sp.|   |
|a|Cl K|6.3 7.9|
|b|Cl F|6.8 8.4|
|c|Cl F?|7.3 8.9|
|d|Cl F|[[underlined]]7.9[[/underlined]]|
|e|Cl E?|8.0 9.6|
|f|—|F F|
|g|—|F F|
|h|—|F F|
|k|—|F F|
|var|Md|6.9 8.5 8.5 =8.50  H gamma [[underlined]]10[[/underlined]]; H delta [[underlined]]10[[/underlined]]; H beta [[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]

|8.4|b 1 v|8.5 8.4 =8.45|
|8.4|v 5 c|8.9|

[[left margin]]
[[/left margin]]

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data Systems