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No.                       1900 1900
D.W. R.A. Dec. Magn.       R.A. Dec.
111 v.+29 2269 12 7.5+29 26 8.4 [[checkmark]] 1812 9.8 +29 11'
112 v.+29 2267 12 5.7+29 26 7.9 [[checkmark]] 14[[26 scratched out]]12 8.0 +29 11
113 v.+29 2265 12 4.6 +29 21 6.7 [[checkmark]] 12[[22 scratched out]]12 6.9 +29 6
114 v.+29 2301 12 27.7+29 53 7.8 [[checkmark]] 112[[0 scratched out]]12 29.9 +29 38
115 v.+29 2263 12 3.1 +29 52 7.2 [[checkmark]]6[[10 scratched out]]12 5.4+29 37

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics - Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System