Viewing page 25 of 134

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

|   |D.M. No.|R.A.|Dec.| Mag.|R.A. 1900|Dec.|D.C. Mean|   |Br.|   |   |
|10 15 +83.3|297|10 13.0|+83 18|5.2|10^[[h]] 19.0^[[m]]|+83 4|4.0[[strikethrough]] 0[[/strikethrough]]| 11|5.1|4.1|4.1|
|13 21 +85.5|222|13 20.7| +85 31|7.0|13 18.8|+85 17|[[strikethrough]] 7.37[[/strikethrough]][[strikethrough]] 4[[/strikethrough]]6.0|9|6.9|5.9|6.1|
|11 20 +85.5|183|11 20.0|+85 30|7.5|11 24.4|+85 15|6.2[[strikethrough]] 0[[/strikethrough]]|6|7.3^[[6.8]]|6.3^[[5.8]]|6.5^[[6.0]]|
|15 50 +85.0|263|15 50.2|+85 18|7.2|15 42.5|+85 10|7.3[[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]|   |   |   |   |  
|14 7 +86.5|201|14 5.1|+86 27|7.5|13 59.4|+86 14|74[[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]|   |   |   |   | 
|12 38 +86.5|182|12 34.7|+86 32|6.5|12 34.6|+86 17|74[[strikethrough]]0[[/strikethrough]]|   |   |   |   | 
|11 59 +86.4|176|11 57.4|+86 24|5.7|11 59.8|+86 8|[[strikethrough]]6.98[[/strikethrough]]7.0|   |   |   |   |  
|11 21 +86.4|170|11 23.8|+86 25|7.0|11 28.3 +86 10|7.3[[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]|   |   |   |   |
|10 59 +86.5|161|10 56.2|+86 26|7.2|11 2.5|+86 11|7.2[[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]]|   |   |   |   |  

Transcription Notes:
Line 3 mean missing decimal, should read 6.2 not 62. I DONT SEE A DECIMAL BETWEEN THE 6 AND THE 2 TO MAKE IT 6.2 INSTEAD OF 62. It is slightly below it. Magnitudes would not be so high as 62 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-19 17:57:45 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-20 07:41:57 superscripts are not ^; they need brackets ^[[ ]] - fixed ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-20 09:37:37