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|   |   |   |   |
|C.P.D. -63 3319|14 26.8|-63 31|9.2|
|C.P.D. -64 2552|13 37.6|-64 3|9.0|
|Gas. Neb?|[[strikethrough]] Gas[[/strikethrough]]|Known|   |
|V Type.|Known|   |   |
|C.P.D. -69 2068|14 24.9|-69 25|9.0|
|Na 0.8 10;|0.4 0.4;|Known|   |
|C.P.D.-69 2267|15 2.4|-69 36|9.0|
|C.P.D.-71 1498|13 31.4|-71 14|9.1|
|C.P.D.-70 1735|14 8.0|-70 49|9.1|
|Type V?|Known|   |   |
|C.P.D. -62 4470|15 13.7|-62 14|8.8|
|Gas. neb?|Known|as Type V |   |
|C.P.D. -63 3529|15 3.1|-63 25|8.8|
|C.P.D. -64 3244|15 30.7|-64 1|9.2|
|C.P.D. -65 3122|15 31.3|-65 31|9.2|

var. ? H[[Beta]]=[[underlined]] 0.2[[/underlined]], H[[gamma]]=[[underlined]] 1.0[[/underlined]], H[[delta]]=[[underlined]] 0.4[[/underlined]] See also No. 8653 B14351. Book 95 p51. Plates B11784, 11241, 20239, 16875, 16608, 16052, 15512, 15371, 13176, 17479, 17288, 12914, 22550, 22657, 21245, 21130, 21894, 18837, 18633, 16324, 9307, 15889 and 10965 examined. Show slight variation 3 to 4 grades. Measure? W.P.F. Sept. 28, 1879.

|   |   |   |   |
|C.P.D. -67 2896|15 19.5|-67 6|9.7|
|C.P.D. -66 2866|15 49.5|-66 29|8.9|
|C.P.D. -67 2776|14 59.9|-67 30|9.1|
|IV Type|Known|   |   |
|C.P.D. -69 2267|15 2.4|-69 36|9.0|
|C.P.D. -70 2112|15 33.3|-67 33|9.3|
|C.P.D. -71 1792|15 6.9|-67 20|9.4|

Type V [[strikethrough]] ?[[/strikethrough]] Known
Type V [[strikethrough]] ?[[/strikethrough]] * Known

var. [[strikethrough]] ?[[/strikethrough]] H[[gamma]]=[[underlined]] 1.0[[/underlined]], H[[delta]]=[[underlined]] 10.0[[/underlined]] Known R.T Aquilae