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|   |   |   |   |   
|C.D.M. -26 9220|12 29.9|-26 4|8.8|
|C.D.M. -26 9165|12 23.8|-26 24|7.6|
|C.D.M. -27 8811|12 34.6|-27 13|7.1|
|C.D.M. -28 9580|12 28.5|-28 6|8.8|
|C.D.M. -29 9920|12 41.0|-29 7|7.8|
|C.D.M. -29 9686|12 15.0|-29 47|7.9|
|C.D.M. -31 9787|12 29.5|-31 16|8.9|

Type V Known

Na 0.8 1.0; 0.5 0.5; 0.1 Known

[[strikethrough]] Nd. [[/strikethrough]] Pec 0.5 1.0; 0.4 0.5; 0.5 0.5; 0.2 See also No. 12634 ^[[Dark bands cir. 60 Announced as Type VI Cir. 14.5]]

Gas neb or Nova? Known Gas neb.

Na 0.7 1.0; 0.5 10.5; Known Type IV

Gas neb [[strikethrough]] or Nova? [[/strikethrough]] New
"A comparison with chart B12093 indicates that this object is a gas neb south following a star at 17 14 -55 13 approx 1875 pos. The identification is very difficult uncertain owing to an adjacent faint star, north following a good spectrum plate with 90^[[m]] exp. with the prism reversed. Will probably be required to decide definately the identification of the object & its class of spectrum" (Copied from note of Mrs. Fleming on cover of B22852 April 13 1900)
Announced later in Circular 60 - as gas neb.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-17 12:44:04