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[[preprinted]] 169 [[/preprinted]]

|   |   |   |   |
|= D.M. -22 7| 0 1.5|-22 59|7.2 (1855)|
|= C.D.M. -29 18953|23 58.3|-29 33|8.5| 
|=C.D.M -30 101|0 17.1|-30 32|6.8|
|C.D.M. -46 987|3 13.4|-46 40|8.8|
|C.D.M -47 929|2 58.0|-47 2|9.4|
|Var or Neb.?|   |   |   |
|C.D.M -46 987|313.4|-46 40|8.8|
|C.D.M -47 929|2 58.0|-47 2|9.4|

var[[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] "Type V" known  S.U. Sagiit. 
[[strikethrough]]Var? or neb?[[/strikethrough]] Knowm Type V
Type V Known
H[[beta]] br. New
H[[beta]], [[gamma]] or [[delta]] br, Known H[[beta]] br. See A2229
same star [[strikethrough]] ?[[/strikethrough]] var? Chart plates B series 13880 10644 19467 18317 24949 19667 18173 24705 21118 21066 22414 29196 10658 11039 13400 15383 15446 15975 16213 18698 19468 18263 17777 18930 16102 15672 examined "and show slight if any evidence of variation".

Type V Known
Spect plate B38749 comp with chart plate B29009 shows this to be the preceding of two close stars.

Type V Known

Type V Known