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Grouping of A Stars. +0[[symbol - degree symbol]] - +29[[symbol - degree symbol]] 59[[symbol-minutes]]
|8..|66.|(12)..|   |
|351|2..|70[[underlined]]2[[/underlined]]|   |
|(12)8.|0..|   |   |
|0.[[underlined]]3[[/underlined]]|[[underlined]]2[[/underlined]].[[underlined]]3[[/underlined]]|   |   |
|5..|5F.|   |   |
|9..|[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]..|   |   |
|4..|9..|   |   |
|15.|[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]..|   |   |
|0.[[underlined]]2[[/underlined]]|9F.|   |   |
|(10)..|(11)F.|   |   |
|45.|5..|   |   |
|2.2|8..|   |   |
|1.[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]|[[underlined]]1[[/underlined]]..| |
|(11)..|2.1|   |   |
|2.[[underline]]3[[/underline]]|4..|   |   |
|(12)..|[[underline]]1[[/underline]].R *|   |   |
|(10)4.|5..|   |   |
|2.4|3..|   |   |
|   |3.5|   |   |
|   |6..|   |   |
|   |2..|   |   |
*D.C.6968. No Magn. in. H.P
|+96[[symbol - checkmark]]/|+27[[symbol - checkmark]]/|-2[[symbol - checkmark]]/|
|18[[symbol - checkmark]]|5[[symbol - checkmark]]|7[[symbol - checkmark]]|
|+.53[[symbol - checkmark]]|+.54[[symbol - checkmark]]|-.03[[symbol - checkmark]]|
|+74[[symbol - checkmark]]/|+6[[symbol - checkmark]]/+3[[symbol - checkmark]]/|
|21[[symbol - checkmark]]|1[[symbol - checkmark]]|3[[symbol - checkmark]]|
|+.35[[symbol - checkmark]]|+.60[[symbol - checkmark]]|+.10[[symbol - checkmark]]|
|+19[[symbol - checkmark]]/|0[[symbol - checkmark]]/|-2[[symbol - checkmark]]/|
|2|1[[symbol - checkmark]]|1[[symbol - checkmark]]|
|+.95[[symbol - checkmark]]|.00[[symbol - checkmark]]|-.20[[symbol - checkmark]]|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-01 14:39:44 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-01 15:27:36 It is [[underlined]], not [[underline]]. Bars are required at the start and end of each row. Blank columns need to be 3 spaces. [[check]] should be [[symbol - checkmark]]. fixed.