This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
[[preprinted 28 [[/preprinted]] October 28, 1895 Measure of Nova Carinae (Cont.) Plate B 5871 Sp. [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |7.9|b[[strikethrough]]k[[/strikethrough]] =.3| | | |Nova n.s.|<8.2| [[table]] Plate B9454 Sp. [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |10.1|g=.2| | | |Nova n.s.|<10.3| [[/table]] Plate B9097 Sp. [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |9.4|l=.2| | | |Nova n.s.|<9.6| [[/table]] Plate B9013 Sp. [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |8.3|c=.3| | | |Nova n.s.|<8.6| [[/table]] Plate B9115 Sp. [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |9.4|e=.4| | | |Nova n.s.|<9.8| [[/table]] Plate B9037 Sp. [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |8.8|d=.5| | | |Nova n.s.|<9.3| [[/table]] Plate B 8269 Sp. Too Poor. On edge of pl.
Transcription Notes:
See first plate for correct format.
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