This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
[[preprinted]] 17 [[/preprinted]] October 26, 1895. Meas of new var. star in [[strikethrough]]Vela[[/strikethrough]]centaurus (Cont.) Plate B 8027 Sp. [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |9.[[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]49|d=1| | | |v n.s.|<9.[[strikethrough]] 6[[/strikethrough]]59| [[/table]] Plate B9400 Sp. [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |9.[[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]49|d=.3| | | |v n.s.|<9.[[strikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]]79| [[/table]] Plate B9377 Sp. [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |[[strikethrough]] 10.0[[/strikethrough]]9.99|e=.2| | | |v n.s.|<10.[[strikethrough]] 2[[/strikethrough]]19| [[/table]] Plate B7967 Sp. [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |9.[[strikethrough]] 5[[/strikethrough]]49|d=.1| | | |v n.s.|<9.[[strikethrough]] 6[[/strikethrough]]59| [[/table]] Plate B 8030 Sp. [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |9.[[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]49|d=.1| | | |v n.s.|<9.[[strikethrough]] 6[[/strikethrough]]59| [[/table]] Plate B5168 Sp. [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |8.[[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]]55|b=.3| | | |v n.s.|<8.[[strikethrough]] 9[[/strikethrough]]85| [[/table]] Plate B10857 [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |11.[[strikethrough]]1[[/strikethrough]]09|h6v|11.[[strikethrough]]7[[/strikethrough]]69 11.63 =11.6[[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]6 .03 [[underlined]].03[[/underlined]]| |11.63|v1k|11.93| [[/table]]
Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2023-11-04 15:04:38
Needs to be setup as a table or tables for each plate.
strikethroughs and underlined need to be shown [[DONE]]
Reopened for Editing 2023-11-08 07:13:15
corrections above not made yet. See first plate for correct format.