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[[preprinted]] 18 [[/preprinted]] October 26, 1895 Meas. of new vav. in [[strikethrough]]Vela[[/strikethrough]] Centaurus (Cont). Plate B11446 [[table]] | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |9.[[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]49|d1v|9.[[strikethrough]] 6[[/strikethrough]]59|9.[[strikethrough]] 6[[/strikethrough]]59|=9.[[strikethrough]] 60[[/strikethrough]]59|.00|.00| |[[strikethrough]] 10.0[[/strikethrough]]9.59|v4e|[[strikethrough]] 10.0[[/strikethrough]]9.99| | | | | [[/table]] Plate B11445 [[table]] | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |9.[[strikethrough]]5[[/strikethrough]]49|d2v|9.[[strikethrough]] 7[[/strikethrough]]69|9.[[strikethrough]] 7[[/strikethrough]]69|=9.[[strikethrough]]70[[/strikethrough]]69|.00|.00| |9.[[strikethrough]] 7[[/strikethrough]]69|v3e| [[strikethrough]] 10.0[[/strikethrough]]9.99| | | | | [[/table]] Plate B11176 [[table]] | | | | | | | | |---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |[[underlined]]var|9.4[[/underlined]]|11.2|11.1|=11.15| | | |a|5.8|7.5| | | | | |b|6.9|8.6| | | | | |c|7.4|9.1| | | | | |d|7.8|9.5| | | | | |e|8.3|10.0| | | | | |[[underlined]]f|8.6[[/underlined]]|10.3| | | | | |g|8.9|10.6| | | | | |h|9.3|11.0| | | | | |k|10.0|11.7| | | | | |l|10.5|12.2|11.19|11.13|=11.16|.03 [[underlined]] .03[[/underlined]]| |m|F|F| | | | | |11.[[strikethrough]] 1[[/strikethrough]]09|h1v|11.[[strikethrough]] 2[[/strikethrough]]19|11.1^[[3]]|=11.1[[strikethrough]] 5[[/strikethrough]]6|.03|[[underlined]].03][/underlined]]| |11.13|v6k|11.73| | | | | [[/table]] Plate B 13118 Sp [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |9.[[strikethrough]] 1[[/strikethrough]]03|c=.3| | | |v n.s.|<9.[[strikethrough]] 4[[strikethrough]]33| [[/table]] [[annotation]]7.47[[/annotation]] [[annotation]] 9.2 [[underlined]]7.5[[/underlined]] 1.7 [[/annotation]]
Transcription Notes:
underlined and slashes in middle lines
Reopened for Editing 2023-11-08 07:14:51
Needs table setup. See first plate for example