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October 28, 1895
Meas. of Carinae Cont.

Plate B13183 
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|8.8^[[8.56]]|d 4 nova| 9.2| 9.3|=9.25| 8.96| 9.0| 
|9.3|nova 1 e| 9.13| 9.4|   |9.03|   |
Plate B13861 
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|11.1^[[11.14]]|[[strikethrough]] l[[/strikethrough]]m nova|11.2|11.2|=11.20| 11.24| 11.2| 
|11.2| nova 1[[strikethrough]] m[[/strikethrough]]n|11.3^[[11.36]]|   | 
  |11.26|   |
Plate B5001 
|   |   |   |
|11.7^[[11.8[[strikethrough]] 2[[/strikethrough]]|[[strikethrough]] n[[/strikethrough]] o=.3|   |
|   |nova n.s. |12.0 <12.1 |

Plate B7640 Sp.
very poor plate useless 

Plate B9420 
|   |   |   |
|14.2|[[strikethrough]] t[[/strikethrough]]u=.3|   | 
|   |nova n.s.| <14.5 |

Plate B7475 Sp. 
|   |   |   |
|9.4| e=3|   | 
|   |nova n.s.| <9.7| 

Plate B10[[strikethrough]] 0[[/strikethrough]]882 
|   |   |   |
|13.0^[[13.1]]|[[strikethrough]] m[[/strikethrough]] r=.2|   | 
|   |Nova n.s.| <13.2 <13.3|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-04 23:27:02 Needs to be setup as tables, missing information and strikethroughs need to be shown Needs page number and preprinted tags ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-07 22:07:25