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November 14, 1895
Meas. of new var. in Lupus (Cont.)

Plate B12894 Sp.
very poor plate.
Enl B.11239
For ident see B6066.
Comp. stars marked on Pl B6066.

Plate B13035. Sp.
Plate on which this new IV Type [[strikethrough]]star[[/strikethrough]] spectrum was found by M.F. missing at time of measuring other plates. Nov. 14, 1895.

[[underlined]]November 18, 1895[[/underlined]]
Meas. of L.D. Wells. new var, in Lupus. See 7166.

Plate B13035 Sp.
|   |   |   |   |   |   |
|9.18|b 2 v|9.38|9.[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]]33 = 9.[[strikethrough]]25[[/strikethrough]]36|.02|[[underlined]] .03[[underlined]]|
|9.[[strikethrough]]2[[strikethrough]]33|v 2 c|9.[[strikethrough]] 4[[/strikethrough]]53|   |   |   |

Meas. of new var star in [[strikethrough]] Vela[[/strikethrough]]Centauri B6. p55.
Plate B13772 Sp.
|   |   |   |   |
|8.8|v1d|8.9|   |
Sp. Md. H[[gamma]=[[underlined]]1.0[[/underlined]] H[[delta]]=[[underlined]]1.2[[/underlined]]

Transcription Notes:
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