Viewing page 37 of 232

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|R.A. ^[[1855]] Dec.|BD. No.|R.A. ^[[1855]]|Dec. ^[[1855]]|Magn.|
|7 32.4 +23.4|+23 1780|7 32.3|+23 22|6.0|
|7 26.7 +23.4|+23 1760|7 26.5|+23 22|6.8|
|7 24.2 +23.2|+23 1744|7 24.2|+23 12|6.0|
|*7 22.0 +23.3|+23 1734|7 21.9|+23 15|8.6|
|7 15.8 +23.2|+23 1704|7 15.7|+23 12|8.5|
|7 14.8 +23.2|+23 1698|7 14.8|+23 13|6.5|
|13.8 +23.4|+23 1690|1691, 1692|.|   |
|7 35.8 +23.7|+23 1801|7 35.8|+23 41|7.0|
|7 6.2 +23.4|+23 1801|7 6.1|+23 20|7.8|
|7 3.0 +23.5|+23 1647|7 2.9|+23 28|8.5|
|7 37.7 +23.9|+23 1808|7 37.5|+23 54|8.0|
|7 35.8 +23.7|+23 1801|7 35.8|+23 41|7.0|
|7 32.1 +23.6|+23 1779|7 32.1|+23 35|8.2|
|7 12.0 +23.9|+23 1681|7 12.0|+23 54|8.5|
|7 33.4 +24.4|+24 1740|7 33.2|+24 23|8.2|
|7 26.3 +24.2|+24 1706|7 26.3|+24 15|8.0|
|7 23.1 +24.3|+24 1687|7 23.3|+24 16|8.2|
|7 22.9 +24.3|+24 1683|7 22.9|+24 19|8.0|
|7 20.4 +24.1|+24 1670|7 20.4|+24 7|8.3|
|7 19.2 +24.3|+24 1663|7 19.2|+24 16|8.5|
|7 18.2 +24.2|+24 1659|7 18.2|+24 14|8.3|
|^[[symbol - down arrow]]7 10.0 +24.4|+24 1611|7 10.1|+24 22|8.3|
|^[[symbol - degree symbol]]7 9.1 +24.3|+24 1600|7 9.3|+24 19|8.5|
|7 7.8 +24.1|+24 1590|7 7.8|+24 8|8.3|
|7 6.9 +24.1|+24 1583|7 6.7|+24 6|7.7|
|7 5.5 +24.3|+24 157[[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]]5|7 5.[[strikethrough]]6[[/strikethrough]]4|+24 15|8.5|
|^[[symbol - square]]7 3.5 +24.4|+24 1558|7 3.6|+24 22|6.0|
|6 58.4 +24.4|+24 1531|[[strikethrough]]7[[/strikethrough]]6 58.5|+24 23|7.1|

[[annotation]] *BD +23[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1733 superposed on BD. +23[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1734.
^[[symbol - down arrow]]BD +24[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1610 superposed on BD. +24.[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1611
^[[symbol - square]]BD +24[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1601 superposed on BD +24[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1600. [[/annotation]]

Transcription Notes:
Whomever reviewed this left several mistakes in first row, and mistake in every 1st column of the table. Were a lot of mistakes throughout. This is a + (positive sign), not a (plus) sign. Put a space between the ^[[m]] and the ^[[smbol - degree symbol]] in the first column. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-29 08:26:04 do not transcribe arrows or use symbols that are not on the keyboard without special controls. Missing superscripts in first table row. missing page number and preprinted tags ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-15 20:30:57