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10 B3352 [[symbol-check]] Too poor. B9640 9.18 c 4 R. V 9.58 9.60 9.62 = 9.60 [[underlined]].02[[/underlined]] .00 .02 [[symbol-check]] 9.60 s. v o d 9.60 9.62 s. v 4 l 10.02 8.95 [[strikethrough]]9.18[[/strikethrough]] l [[strikethrough]]c[[/strikethrough]] 5 v [[strikethrough]]9.68 9.60 9.62 = 9.63 .05 [[underlined]].03 .01[[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 9.45 9.45 9.87 = 9.59 [[underlined]]14 14[[/underlined]] 28 9.45 [[strikethrough]]9.60[[/strikethrough]] v o [[strikethrough]]d[[/strikethrough]] g [[strikethrough]]9.60[[/strikethrough]] 9.45 9.87 [[strikethrough]]9.62[[/strikethrough]] d 4 [[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]] l [[strikethrough]]10.02[[/strikethrough]] 10.27 B9705 9.60 d i s. v 9.70 9.72 = 9.71 [[underlined]].01[[/underlined]] .01 [[symbol-check]] 9.72 s. v 3 e 10.02 9.45 [[strikethrough]]9.60[[/strikethrough]] g [[strikethrough]]d[[/strikethrough]] i v [[strikethrough]]9.70 9.72 = 9.71 [[underlined]].01[[/underlined]] .01[[/strikethrough]] 9.55 9.97 = 9.76 [[underlined]]21[[/underlined]] 21 9.97 [[strikethrough]]9.72[[/strikethrough]] v 3 [[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]] l [[strikethrough]]10.02[[/strikethrough]] 10.27 B5350 9.18 c 4 s. v 9.58 9.60 9.62 = 9.60 [[underlined]].02[[/underlined]] .00 .02 [[symbol-check]] 9.60 s. v o d 9.60 9.62 s. v 4 e 10.02 8.95 [[strikethrough]]9.18[[/strikethrough]] e [strikethrough]]c[[/strikethrough]] 3 v [[strikethrough]]9.48 9.50 = 9.49 [[underlined]].01[[/underlined]] .01[[/strikethrough]] 9.25 9.35 = 9.30 [[underlined]]05[[/underlined]] 05 9.35 [[strikethrough]]9.50[[/strikethrough]] v i [[strikethrough]]d[[/strikethrough]] g [[strikethrough]]9.60[[/strikethrough]] 9.45 B5356 9.18 c 5 s v 9.68 9.60 9.62 = 9.63 .05 [[underlined]].03 .01[[/underlined]] [[symbol-check]] 9.60 s. v o d 9.60 9.62 s. v 4 e 10.02 8.95 [[strikethrough]]9.18[[/strikethrough]] e [[strikethrough]]c[[/strikethrough]] 3 v [[strikethrough]]9.48 9.40 = 9.44 .04 [[underlined]].04[[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 9.25 9.25 = 9.25 00 00 9.25 [[strikethrough]]9.40[[/strikethrough]] v 2 [[strikethrough]]d[[/strikethrough]] g [[strikethrough]]9.60[[/strikethrough]] 9.45 John G. Wolbach Library Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
Transcription Notes:
missing some punctuation and checks