Viewing page 49 of 231

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.


May 19, 1896.

Measure of New Var in [[strikethrough]] Carinae [[/strikethrough]] Centaurus (Cont.)
[[3 Columned Table]]
--- | --- | ---
   | Plate B 9464 Sp. | 
9.76 [[strikethrough]] 9.69 [[/strikethrough]] | d 1 v | [[strikethrough]] 9.79 [[/strikethrough]] 9.86 R
   | e N.S |
   | Plate B 5134 | 
12.20 [[strikethrough]] 12.11 [[/strikethrough]] | m3n | 12.50 12.45 = 12.48 
12.45 | v 2 m |[[strikethrough]] 12.51 [[/strikethrough]] 12.65

   | Plate B8275 Sp. | 
   | Too poor | 

   | Plate B9704 |
[[strikethrough]] 11:44 [[strikethrough]] 11.53 | k = .3 |
   | v N.S [[strikethrough]] < 11:74 [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 11.83 [[/underlined]]

   | Plate B11153 |
[[strikethrough]] 11:04 [[/strikethrough]] 11.13 | h = 3 
   | v N.S | [[ strikethrough ]] <11:34 [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] 11.43 [[/underlined]]

   | Plate B12819 Sp | 
   | Too Poor 

   | Plate B 13202  |
[[strikethrough]] 11.76 [[/strikethrough]] 11.85 | [[strikethrough]] k [[/strikethrough]] l 2 v |[[strikethrough]] 11.96 11.91 = 11.9[[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]][[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]]  12.05 .12.00 = 12.02  [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 02 [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] 03 [[underlined]] .02 [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] .02 [[underlined]] .03 [[underline]] [[/strikethrough]] 03 [[underlined]] 02 [[/underlined]] 

[[strikethrough]] 11.91 [[/strikethrough]] 12.00 | v 2 m | [[strikethrough]] 1211 [[/strikethrough]] 12.20

Transcription Notes:
FIXED!! PLEASE FIX MISTAKES!!! WAS reviewed and said to be "COMPLETE" but there are a lot of mistakes. I have reopened. There is a lot to fix on this transcription. I reopened it.