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[[underlined]] February 16, 1897 [[/underlined]] 

Exam of Plates to confirm. var. of Kapteyns' variable A.G.C. 18751 R.D. 13^[[h]] 43.5^[[m]] Dec. -36° 22' (1900)  

Astron. Nash. 142 pp 175,176. 

[[3 Columned Table]]
Plate | Date |
--- | --- | ---
9720 |   | var. ft. 
14019 | July 9, 1985 | var. ft. 
15811 | May 12, 1896 | var. ft. 
10866 |   | var. br. 
11237 | May 22, 1894 | var. br. 
16015 | May 30, 1896. | var. br. 
11297(sp.) | May 14, | Sp. Not seen?
B15603(sp.) | April 13, 1896. | Sp. N.S.? 

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System 

Transcription Notes:
Kapteyns' Star is a class M1 red subdwarf about 12.83 light-years from Earth in the southern constellation Pictor; it is the closest halo star to the Solar ..