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March 24, 1897.
Exam of objects on X plates (Cont.)

29 [[strikethrough]]Lambda[[/strikethrough]] Canis Majoris A.G.C. 93[[strikethrough]]13[[/strikethrough]] 11 7 14.5 -24 [[strikethrough]]47 [[/strikethrough]] 23 (1900).

X 6265 F & G br. edged, h bright, two br. bands bet F & G. in same place as bands in Xi Puppis. A.[[strikethrough]]G [[/strikethrough]]J.C. Cannon Dec,15,1890.

X 5313 Bright bands.
Spectrum similar to Xi Puppis.
Announced in Circular No.16.

30 Canis Majoris A.G.C. 9313 7 14.5 -24 47 (1900).

X6265 Same hydrogen systems as Xi Puppis. (corresponding to n = 9, 11, 13, 15. Conf. on 
X7231 The bright band in Xi Puppis at Lambda 4688 is dark in this star.

Announce in Circular No. 17.

Alpha Scorpi A.G.C 22314 16 23.2 -26.13 (1900

Plate X 7889 Peculiar G.CP. Dec. 16, 1896
B5145 Very peculiar M.F.

X5730} The peculiarity is probably due too superposition of companion Not to be announced yet.

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System