Viewing page 6 of 227

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[[2 columned table]]

[[underlined]] a 2901 | a 2900 [[/underlined]]
✓ 270| 218
✓ 271| 219
✓1261| 212
  249| 210ˆ[[a]]
  255| 210
✓ 264| 214
✓ 262| 213
✓ 266| 213
✓ 273^[[a]]| 225^[[a]]
✓ 269| 216
✓ [[strikethrough]]217[[strikethrough]]| [[strikethrough]]217[[strikethrough]]
✓ 272| 222
✓ 272ˆ[[a]]| 223
✓ - | 228
✓ 275 | 229
✓ - | 230
✓ 278| 238
✓ 277| 237
✓ 276| 236
✓ - | 241
  243| -
  244| -
  245| -

[[end 2 columned table]]