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LOGGER: Carolyn Ware
REEL NUMBER: 8 of 8  STAGE: Philly Main 
DATE: July 8, 1984   PRESENTOR: [Mellone?][Melonee Birnum]
GROUP NAME: Scanner Boys
REGION/STYLE: Philly: Break Dance & Popping

PERFORMER(S) [Scanner Boys
George Bonilla, "Wild Legs", break dancer
David Ellerbe, Jr., "Rene¬gade", break dancer 
Lorenzo Harris, "Prince of the Ghetto", break dancer/leader 
Kevin Johnson, "Wildstyle", break dancer
Gilbert H. Kennedy, "Shala¬mar", break dancer 
Nathaniel J. McCray, "Grand Wizard Sly", DJ]

Wild Style
Dave "Renegade"
"Hip Hop"
Gilbert "Shalam
"Robbie B" Bolling (Rappers)
Walter "MC Caeser' Rhone (Rappers)

Break Dance, popping

1. [[strikethrough]]"Dancing In the Street[[/strikethrough]"Street Party" - ensemble dance
2. [[strikethrough]]Moonwalk -  Shalamar[[/strikethrough]]Solos
3. Acrobatics - Shalama + Prince
4. "Fight" - Shalamar + Prince
5. Solos - Prince, Shalamar, Wild Style, Hip Hop
6. "Argument" - all
7. Duet - Prince + Shalamar
8. Solos
9.Introduction of dancers, DJ's, rappers 
10. "It's Do Hard To Say Goodbye"
11."We Are the Scanner Boys"
12."I Pledge Allegiance To the Group"
13."We Love You" - International Playgirls

Transcription Notes:
Under PERFORMER (S), there is a curly bracket to the right of Bolling and Rhone. I didn't know how to represent that in the transcription so I did "(Rappers)" to the right of both names.