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[[3 column table]]
                  |Rank    |
Barnwell Louisa   |        |1.
Bankston G. J.    |        |18.40.
Barney J.         |gentle  |25
Breckinridge Rev H|            |
Baker Duncan      |            |57.
Barnard M.R.      |            |90.289.
Burt Miss         |            |91.
Barnard Dr. Henry |School Comr 97.158.174.
Batty Miss M.S.  |            |105.
Bell M R          |Agent R| .331.344.379.404.572
Brown Jeremiah    |teacher     |608.674.971
Blacker C.B.      |Agent H     |136.204.232.
Branner Benjamine |            |142.17A.
Ballou Geo R      |Agent R     |144.
Bohannon J. W.    |Teacher     |659.827.949.
Bailey Rev. E. L. |            |228.239
Bryan W. J.       |Agent H     |235.463.571.
Barnes and [[?]] Co.|Publishers|703.
Barbour Miss Josie|A.M.A.      |539.
Bird Mitchell     |            |241.
Benton Hampton    |            |227.
Bassett John A.   |A.M.A.      |433.573.543.634.816.884.982.
Bingham E. B.     |Asst Supt [[?]] Sch [[?]] |487.709.721.722.729.745.749.778.914.961.
Billings Miss H. S. |A.M.A.    |495.770.
Burkett Levi |Teacher     |788.934.960.
Ball Rev George   |            |922.