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[[3 columned table]]
|Caldwell William L.|  |4.|
|Curtis Daniel J.|Agent &c|8.|
[[Strikeout]]|Chase C.T. Sup't Pub|Inst. Fla|719|[[/strikeout]]
|Clark William L.|Agent &c||
|Chapman C.W.|Agent &c|47.252.|
|Catley Henry|Lieut B.F.A.L||Cowart Samuel S.| |56.|Chatters Mr|  |144|Cheney Mrs E.D.|N.E.B.F.A.L.||Case Mrs Lucy E.|A.M.A.|905.|Cole W.C.|Teacher||Chase C.T.|Sup't Ed. Fla.|248.719|Carsewill W.|Teacher|282.336.|Colsby Abram|  |287.845.|Clark Rev. Allen|  |328.352.|Cooper Mrs Martha|Teacher|537.782.932.|Cravath Rev. E. M.|Secy A.M.A. &c|365.|Carleton Robert|  |843.|Calloway Jesse|  |401.|Christian Mrs E.A.|Teacher|410.501.535.625.811.954.|Clark Mrs Jane E.|N.E.B.F.A.L.|432.457.514.|Curry Benjamine|  |439.|Clark Andrew B.|Agent &c|444.470.|Clark William L.|A S.S.|648.653.664.687.730.749.777.788.844.880.889.895.960.|