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followed all the sinuosities of the shore in place of going across the beaches. Every few rods the entire afternoon Ptarmigan [[strikethrough]] grouse [[/strikethrough]], almost always in twos and threes (2♂ + 1♀) were seen they seeming to like the edge of the bank along shore to perform upon Over a hundred pair were were seen in going about 25 miles along the coast.

As we turned into Pastolick a female [[strikethrough]] zt [[/strikethrough]] Ptarmigan was seen flying toward the side of the river near us and close behind and gaining rapidly with every [[?]] and energetic wing beat flew one of the Sewall Gyrfalcons so common here. The grouse saw us and when a few yards distant suddenly turned and alighted within two or three yards and commenced to run around the sled. The hawk pursuing with headlong speed suddenly saw [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] its prey dissapear and noticed us first when not over five yards away, he chanced to be flying directly on a line with and toward my face and I involuntarily dodged expecting his impetus would cause him to strike me, but the instant we were noticed the rapidly beating wings braced rigid and inclined and as though fired from a

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