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My face and eyes which were badly burned by the sun yesterday were considerably swollen and inflamed this morning. 
In the afternoon a single Junco hyemalis was hopping about the yard and a number of Passerella iliaca were singing in the bushes during the [[strikethrough]] 12th [[/strikethrough]] morning snow showers at intervals.
Was awake at 3 a.m. but found it a drizzly misty morning with a raid wind blowing so waited until about six a.m. when taking a sled. I went about a mile and a half up the uphoon to the mouth of a small slough where we remained until afternoon but few geese were flying and I only killed one.
Several small gyrfalcons and two Circus hudsonius were seen. Scolecophagus ferrugineus was quite common in parties of a half dozen or so and a number of Macrorhamphus griseus were seen and heard as they performed their aerial evolutions.
Afternoon I went back through the brush, wading waist deep in the soft snow half the time

Transcription Notes:
Junco hyemalis = Dark-eyed junco bird Passerella iliaca = Fox sparrow bird gyrfalcon = very large falcon Circus hudsonius = northern harrier