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with a saucer shaped depression toward the centre with a channel near one end showing the remains of the old lake that once occupied the place. others are long and narrow and pass through the bushes in a winding course from one side to the other of the Islands and show where a slough once passed.

Several Jaegers were seen during the day and Larus Hanens is quite common along the sloughs where the long continuing South wind has caused a high tide at sea and the back water raises over the ice on a considerable part of the river A single red fox was seen on the bank as I returned.

Yesterday the natives shot two rabbits Lepus [[strikethrough]][[?]] [[/strikethrough]] which were just beginning to don their summer fur -  Kamkoff tells me that there are many remains of former native villages all along the lower part of the river the places having been destroyed by  hostile natives from [[?]] of [[?]]

Transcription Notes:
Larus=Gull, Jaeger=sea bird