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one very large village was on the open space the portage between in Feet [[?]] Barrabora and the Uphoon the dead were buried in 
the mound which I saw when I crossed the portage  These wars were continually in progress before the Russians came and Kaustkoff[[?]]  who was one of the first Russians who went on the "tundra" says that by an accident they discovered a secret [[?]], leading from the cashime [[?]] to a barrabora and from this to their barrabora. The passages were for use in case of a suspension. The barraboras were large and well built there also to allow of [[??]] being used inside them. Another is about a mile above Kottik on the bank of the Kottik river.

1036 Archibutes lagopus male [[strikethrough]]May 1[/strikethrough]]]
1037 Collyrio borealis
1038 Squatarola helvetica male May 11
1039 Larus female Bill [[??]] garbage[[??]] yellow the latter with tinge of green on toes and legs. Eye light hazle[[hazel]]. Eye surrounded by a red membrane the corners of mouth also red.  This gull has been rather common for the last two

Transcription Notes:
barrabora: sod or turf hut found in the Arctic Archibutes lagopus = rough legged buzzard Collyrio borealis = great northern shrike Squatarola helvetica = grey plover