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In the early morning not withstanding the high southerly wind and numerous snow squalls that added to the disagreeableness of the weather I went down the Uphoon for a mile or so and obtained several geese. Anas aenta is becoming more numerous and several Flocks of Limosa uropygialis were seen and a single Charadrius virginicus flew by. The gulls named under date are common along the water on the ice and follow one at a respectful distance uttering their sharp, quaralous kwew, kwew in a shrill high pitched 

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The specimens which I shot had all the white plumage [[strikethrough]]of it[[/strikethrough]] tinged with a faint rose color which with the sharp black wing marks slaty mantle yellow bill & feet with the eye surrounded by a circle of bright [[strikethrough]] carm [[/strikethrough]] red membrane the same color appearing at the corners of the mouth give one of the most beautiful birds I have ever seen.
The birds showed some anxiety for the fate of their companions but were not very demonstrative.  In the afternoon a boy brought in the first Phalaropus hyperboreus I have seen this

Transcription Notes:
uropygiales=woodpecker Ana aenta = Dabbling duck