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List of books and papers to be referred to
"Worship of Animals & Plants" Fortnightly Review Oct 1, 1869, p422

[[strikethrough]] E.B. Tylor's "Early History of Mankind" 1865 : Also Same Author "Primitive Customs [[\strikethrough]]

Also "Researches into Early History of Mankind & development of Civilization" 1878

Also Backgammon among Aztecs: Pop. Sci. Monthly Feb'y 1879.

Also Belt's "Naturalist in Nicaragua", "Lubbocks" Pre-historic Times" and also "Origins of Civilization"

April 6th

Continued notes from page 30 in [[strikethrough]] guide [[/strikethrough]] "Introd. to study of Ind. languages".  

In former times when the [[?unaleets]] used to throw the dead out upon the tundra they were in the habit of planting two short sticks about 3 feet long crossed over the face of the dead = [[image]] and by his side was cast the various things now placed by the box. 

My informant says that every body was thus treated once but he thinks it was from seeing boxes made for dead in other villages that the custom was introduced here.  The Malamuts expose their dead until now and as the burial of dead is universal to south of here it seems very probable that the custom was first introduced by people who in their predatory raids