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the feast to dead and each relation who will make an egruska for deceased whittles outa pole or slote upon which is placed any of the models mentioned is deceased is a man.  These images show the sex of deceased and upon the spear model is painted the totem of deceased and [[strikethrough]] directly of [[/strikethrough]] upon the side of the box if a place is afforded there is painted in black [[strikethroough]] over [[/strikethrough]] the totem of deceased if he was a hunter - if he was not a hunter no totem was painted until the stakes were places before an egruska when his totem was painted on the box.  If he was a bad man or without relatives to make a feast for his memory then no totem was placed.  If a very bad man then his body was placed in box and an offering of food and water [[strikethrough]] after this [[/strikethrough]] made according to an invariable custom but no weapons or other marks of respect in the way of articles of war were placed by the box and thereafter he was forgotten and no feast was ever made for him. 

If deceased was a woman her fathers totem will be put on her coffin if her father was not a hunter if he excelled in hunting any animal then his animal will replace the totem upon her coffin.  

At present these practices are still offered to a great extent here but sometimes son's graves will bear zoo totem the picture of the animal which their father excelled in killing though the grave of his fathers bears the old totem.  The ancient totem is 

Transcription Notes:
The Egruska is primarily an ancestral worship feast and giving, donation of presents.