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Dressed in fur clothing with bow and arrows in his hand but if anyone tries to approach he suddenly dissapears  into the ground.  Many times hunters have seen their tracks upon the tundra but none have yet spoken to them since the pair left Pikmiktalik.  They are said to be perfectly harmless.

The skulls of all Belugas killed in net or by spears & lances are carefully sawed and upon no account must a dog be allowed to touch them for should this occur then the hunter will always be unfortunate in his future endeavors to secure the beluga - his nets will tear so the beluga will avoid his net and his spears will not strike the whale.

Myunik, the most intelligent and best hunter here allowed a dog to eat part of head of a beluga he netted lost face and his lack of securing any other belugas all the fall was pointed out as an infallible consequence of his dereliction.  [[strikethrough]] With [[\strikethrough]] 

The heads are carefully taken and placed in some out of the way place where dogs never go and with them are placed a lot of broken spear shafts minus their heads and barb.  Why the spears are placed here I do not know yet

Deer-, wolf-, wolverine-, bear-, skins are dressed by the men [[strikethrough]] alone [[\strikethrough]] only - while the women dress small fawn skins as also the skins of Hares, Marmots or muskrats and sometimes help