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the men tan the seal skins which are prepared as follows: - 

Mukluk skins are tanned by leaving the skin, after it is cleaned of fat, in a mass until it begins to become sour and the hair loosens when it is scraped clean of hair and stretched upon a strong frame by a cord passing from numerous slits around the edge = [[image]]  Then it is scraped to remove superfluous fat & water and dried and is ready for use and becomes an article of trade when it is folded into 4 folds & doubled over as follows (dotted lines = folds [[image]] [[caption]] market size [[/caption]]

[[?Re]] skins are dipped in hot water for a moment to hasten the loosening of hair, but otherwise treated as the mukluk skins.  Seal skins with hair on are simply stretched and dried.  If the hair is oily it is thoroughly washed in urine.

Deer skins are always tanned with [[strikethrough]] hair [[/strikethrough]] hair left on is washed on bare side in urine and then rolled up & allowed to soak thus for a few hours and then it is unrolled and the remaining sinew and other matter upon the surface is removed with the stone scraper.  After this is well done the skin is dried and again thoroughly scraped then it is hung up in kashim when the fire is built and it dries until it is hard and brittle as poor pasteboard.   Then it is taken down carefully and beginning above end it is carefully & lightly scraped all over the scraper now breaking the roots of the hair and the surface skin or epidermis [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] being cracked all over rendering the skin pliable when it is [[strikethrough]] thorou [[/strikethrough]] thoroughly scraped again.  Then decayed 

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