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An old Aziak Is. man tells me that he once saw a number of sleds and a lot of natives from the Siberian coast arrive at Aziak after drifting some time at sea.  They were welcomed and at last made their way back by way of Cape Pr. of W.  The same man says it is sometimes frozen solidly across Behrings St. and that sleds cross but they only travel with light loads and one man to a sled and large teams so to make quick time as the ice is likely to break up at any time.

The natives say if one of the small skulfins such as inhabit the lakes & ponds on tundra is taken up [[strikethrough]] it [[\strikethrough]] in the hand it will rain heavily soon after.  And the fish called [[?i bui shukh tu li]]

The throwing stick for spears must be a cubit (from 1st finger tip to elbow plus one finger breadth for Beluga hunters and their spear the same as all this style of throwing spears must be 3 cubits with an added thumbs width for each time the arm is passed over for a new cubit and then the final cubit has added the width of the closed hand in place of the thumb width added the other times.

For seal hunters they are less particular about throwing board.  Their bows were a fathom long & bound with sinew and with bone strengtheners - the bows had a double bend = [[2 images]] [[captions]] bent unbent [[/captions]]
Their arrows were tipped with stone or bone, deer horn or ivory and each man made his arrows as long as the distance from tip of extended thumb of left hand or if a short handed man from 

Transcription Notes:
Aziak = island in Alaska Cape Pr. of W = Cape Prince of Wales skulfin - a small fish