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holding fast to the skirts of the preceding one's hunting shirt they went out short distances but were always careful to go & come with as little straying as possible for fear of being lost. At this very large village where all kinds of people lived, various ways were tried in vain and at last the people turned in despair to a raven and asked him if he could help them and they, at same time make him many rich presents. The Raven says he will try and starts out and alternately running as man or flying as Raven he goes on until he comes to a solitary house. Flying up to an adjacent tree top he waits and at last sees as man come outside [[strikeout]] to [[\strikeout]] The R. calls out yû khoĭ, yû khoĭ or (where is the dawn? Where is the dawn?) The man looked up in surprise & then ran in telling the people what he heard. The R. said he had to go farther and so flew on and at last when he was tired he stopped on a tree near another solitary house and saluted the first one he saw with the same cry as before with the same result.

Thus he travelled on for many days until he saw a faint glimmer of light in the horizon far away and each day it became plainer; but each day he reached another house where he asked the same questions as before until one day when the light was quite bright before him the man at the house told him that just beyond lay a very large village where the old chief with [[crossed out/]]you[[crossed out/]] young daughter had the sun shut up in a bag. R. hurried on & when he saw the place before him he went back a little and flying up in a sapling he began plucking the leaves 

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