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with his eyes tightly shut as the smoke in the kashim had blinded him.

R exclaimed to himself - "that is the one" and as he thought this the ermine shaman, who had his back toward Raven, cried out, "who is looking at me - some stranger is looking at me".

Not long after all re-entered the kashim and among the others went Raven.

Three women brought in food and ermine Shaman asked Raven to eat with him.  R. went & sat down but kept thinking how could he kill the ermine Shaman.  The latter suddenly exclaimed - "you need not try to hurt me I know what you are thinking of, you better eat with me".  R. did not dare eat at first but ermine S. began and so he followed sit and tried to think what he could do to the food to kill the Ermine Shaman.  Again the latter told him not to try to do anything as he was watching him - just as there only remained a mouthful of food in the dish Raven managed to insert in it a minute black piece of something which Ermine swallowed unconsciously.

They soon after lay down and in a little while Ermine became very ill and cried to Raven.  "What have you done to the food.  If you do not cure me of this sickness you have brought you will be sorry".  Raven answered;  "Why did you go and make so many of my friends die now I have fixed you and you will not recover for