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headed for the mainland as [[?]] foreseen in my notes at the time. 
June IV +16 

The Herrings have been moving for the last day or two and spawning along shore upon the sea weed growing along shore on the rocks. The water fairly wild with fish which might be easily caught by own hands as they writhed and turned among the sea weeds. The family would glide slowly over the weeds or wriggle through them depositing eggs which at once adhered by the peculiar secretion they were covered with - these eggs clung as readily to ones hand against which eggs were also deposited if it was held in the water.

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A great amount of seaweed was covered with eggs above low water mark so that the low tide the next eve left the exposed & they were dried & on the following high tide were washed off: the eggs deposited below low water mark above were left. The temp. of the water at time was 44.2(degree symbol). The water was colored a dirty milky white by the [[milk jon?]] 2 to 3 fathoms or over from shore.
17th & 18th & 19
Herrings still moving and spawning outside. On the latter date the "Corwin" U.S.R.S. capt. Hooper came in and draught a letter giving me notice to go on a cruise with him to W. Lawrence Is. also to the Arctic in search of "Jeannette" at which