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their vent and case endings
appear identical with those
used at St. M. as are their 
combinations as wī hlū or
"and me" my interpreter
from St. M. managed to
talk with then very well
and though they laughed at his
communication yet they understood
him with a little hitch now
and then. The women tattoo
him with the patterns used 
on the Eskimo coast of Asia
The style of the lines being
varied according to fancy in 
some cases the following sketch
shows the pattern on a little girl

[[2 sketches of heads; one profile, one straight on. Both with tribal markings]]
side lines   front
same person


1982 Plect. nivalis [[female symbol]] June 24.
St. Lawrence Is-
[[right margin]][[brackets indicating 1983 - 1987]] Glover Bay [[/right margin]]
1983 Plect. nivalis [[male symbol]] June 26
1984 -------  --- ? [[male symbol]] June 26
1985 Spoonbill sandpiper [[female symbol]] June 26
1986 Larus glaucus [[male symbol]] June 26
1987 Larus -------?  June 26
392 (1 + nest set) Plect. nivalis St. L. Is June 24 '81

The men practice the tonsure
The clothing is the same as on
the mainland of Asia. They have 
a queer mixture of Kanaka &
English & Eskimo.
St. L. Is. is mainly of volcanic
rocks well marked and
worn with glaciers in a 
N. & S. course sloping to the S,
A few small craters (post-glacial)
[[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] 
were seen rising 1000 to 2000 ft. Prof. M. found the native graveyard about a mile back
from the village with the bodies
sometimes under an oval