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boat and then the lifeboat towed the buoyant skin boat over the tossing masses of ice along the edge and into the water. Once the boat was turned nearly over [[crossed out]] and [[/crossed out]] by a large ice cake rising almost under the feet of the men and we thought all would be thrown into the water but a moment later they were floating safely in the water free from the ice and were soon on board the vessel. The party consisted of 1st Lt. Herring & 3rd Lt.
with a sailor & a native from near Plover Bay as interpreter beside a native from the village who came off to be paid. The party left their entire equipment except arms on shore with their dogs & sleds and the wind rising to a gale from the north we raised anchor and started for Bering Sts. No ice could be seen to the north though the wind has been northerly for some time. Snow squalls and fog shut down in the eve, and the wind increased steadily with a heavy swell. We learn from the party taken on board that they (having been landed on Kolinchin Is — which they found to be 1200 ft high by Bar.) advanced up the coast with dogs & sleds camping their skin boat and other things at the rate of about 25 miles per day and reached Cape [[?]] where they left their heavier things and making 26 m. farther to Cape Wankarem they found in the possession of the natives a number of articles obtained from 

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