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The wreck of a vessel which came floating down the coast from the NW. in the fall of 1880 and which was drifted away to the NE. On this vessel the three natives who went on her saw four men lying dead in their berths and the cabin floor was covered with water. The masts had been cut away with axes.

From what we learn Capt. Hooper is quite sure this was the wreck of the “Vigilance” Capt. Nye – which was lost in the ice the fall of 1879—The party report the natives along their route up the coast & back to where we found them to be all friendly, but very curious and continually annoyed them by their

inquisitiveness. I will make some extracts from the journal of Lt. Reynolds upon this trip under a future date- See

June 30th

We ran down and rounded East Cape early this AM – passing a large village on the north side of the point on account of the heavy surf there from the gale blowing on shore from the N. at the time. A few light snow squalls during AM – with fog nearly all day in ragged masses rushing over [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] the rough tops of the mts on the Cape & flowing down in broad streams of white through the canyons to disappear in torn fragments partway down the cliffs— The hill sides abundantly