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sled in the morning so we will have everything in
readiness if we get a chance at Wrangel Land- My interpreter upon whom I had counted during the summer has refused to go, at the last moment as the natives
in the village have frightened him by predicting all manner of horrible things  to befall the Corwin and all have solemnly warned him not to go and as a result in spite of my offering high pay and other good things he absolutely refused-

We took on water from the springs in the afternoon and about 7 PM - headed for Cape Darby- As we passed out a change in the wind obscured the whole coast line as in a thick fog by the smoke from the burning tundra 4 or 5 miles SW, of St. Michaels - this fire was set 5 or 6 days ago by some Ingaliks up the canal and has burned ever since and now appears to be spreading rapidly & gives out great volumes of smoke which mellowed the outlines & tints of the landscape forming a very pretty scene as we passed out - 

July 10th
Early this morning under sail & steam with a fresh wind we passed into the mouth of Golovina Bay and anchored a few miles inside the entrance under the shelter of the high hills on the western shore. The northern slopes of the hills on the opposite shore were still marked here and there with snow banks but everywhere the dark green patches of alders