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this neck of water between the two bays the ragged fog clouds were torn into jagged fragmentary masses and twisted into a revolving mass about 100 yds in diameter forming a striking phenomenon - The slight elevation of these clouds made the occurrence still more striking combined with the calms and irregular squalls on the surface of the water. We passed several native summer-huts of driftwood along the shore and saw one tent. On the schooner they told us that the natives had nearly all gone up the bay to its head fishing salmon- The salmon were running in the outer bay till a few days ago and beside the ordinary small kinds they caught salmon trout 

and Chowicher (King Salmon)the latter quite numerous one brought on the schooner weighing 50lbs.

About 4PM, we got on board but the wind was blowing so hard that the Coowrw lay at anchor all night

The birds seen today were Murres, Pacific Eiders, Kotyhres,Kittiwafees, Artic Terres, &eerie Red Phalorope was seen out in the bay on our way back and several Velvet Scoters were flying about also some Colymbus arcticus, Horalde glacial's Violet - green Cormorants, glaysuc gulls and this ends the list but on board the vessel I saw a skin of a Charadrys fuluas (asiatic type) - The last sound at night was the sullen rush of wind wave about the vessel as she surged at her anchor