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is only a few hundred yds from the shore the rugged granite walls appear to rise in sharp serrated [[strike through]] anglar [[strike through]] angular perpendicular upon all sides and the shore is outlined by inaccessible cliffs except on the face where great granite boulders pounded by the waves afford a difficult landing and just above this up the sharp ascent up which one climbs with difficulty along the paths made zigzagging about among the jagged rocks up about 100 feet to where the natives have their houses. From the vessel the village had exactly the appearance of a lot of swallows nests plastered against a cliff. The small entrances of the houses showing as round black holes in the center of the houses built of blocks of granite made the resemblance striking and as the [[anches?]] went rattling down the natives set up a perfect howl and we saw them rushing down to the shore appearing like a lot of pygmies as they sprang from rock to rock down the sharp slope. Near the water we saw their kyaks and each man raising the kyak inverted on his head became changed to a most remarkable appearing being as he crept in & out among the huge boulders to the water with his strange shaped burden coming to the waters edge the kyaks were lashed in pairs, the trading goods placed therein & on top & they came paddling off to the vessel. The boats are finely made and rather short & braod & of the following profile [[image]] their paddles all gayly colored, with balck & red paints in figured patterns and neat spears 

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