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with the gracefully shaped boats made a pretty and strange picture as they come off.

Prof. Muir & I went on shore here and bought a few ethnologica and examined the houses as well as secured a couple of photos. The winter houses are half excavated in the hill & walled up with [[Strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/Strikethrough]] stones on the outside and are entered by a long ascending stone arched tunnel. In the interior the structure is exactly as on Sledge Is and the neighboring coast but I did not see any Cook rooms.

The summer houses are built as shown with following sketch


This home supported on 4 corner posts & with the floor at rear resting (or nearly so) upon the steep rocky slope of Is. while from the front a sheer fall of from 8 to 15 or 20 feet. A couple of planks led up from the ground at (a.) and a plank walk with a railing to guard against a fall led around to the hole in front. This hole about 2 ft. diameter is the entrance and entering I found myself

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