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in [[strikethrough]] an outside [[/strikethrough]] an outer room used as a general sitting & work room [[strikethrough]] while [[/strikethrough]] comprising the front half of house. The rear half walled off with walrus hides into two equal apartments each of which is entered by a round hole smaller than the main entrance. These rooms answer to the pologs on the asiatic shore & are the sleeping apartments of the two families occupying the place and their ordinary clothing, bedding & small valuables are kept there. Tools, implements, food &c. are kept in the outer room. The old couple occupying half the place asked me to sit & were very pleasant but I

had to leave to end my business.

The walls & roof of these summer houses are entirely of walrus hide.

The description answers for all.

They use clay lamps exactly like those on St. Lawrence Is. Their meat caches are small walled-up rooms close in front of the winter houses & in summer two large deep clefts in the rock just to the right of the village and only to be entered from the sea are used as storehouses in summer. I became time to leave so we got off to the ship after an incomplete survey of the place and stood off for Cape Pr. of Wales where we arrived 

Transcription Notes:
.Several words unclear - unable to make them out upon review... re-opening in the case someone can transcribe them