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manned entirely by women and contained nothing else. Most of the tents were low round topped drill affairs about 3 1/2 to 4 ft high stretched over tent poles and about 6 to 7 feet in diameter for one tent was a conical lodge of drill about 10 ft high & 8 wide and made of drill. The Kyaks here were long, narrow and slender of the typical Kolztue so type with flat upper surfaces except just in front of the occupant who has a raised ridge here as [[drawing]] in this rough outline. I bought a few trifles from these people including a bone pointed rootpick [[drawing]] and a club for braining wounded seal [[drawing]] a wooden handle with heavy foul knot for a head. Afterwards 
I took a short ramble over the low sand dunes which stretch back from the shore for several miles and are abundantly supplied with brackish pools and lagoons back of the zor 4 miles of this country low rolling hills appears to stretch into the interiors mixed with the sand and forming a shingle track were flat or oval pebbles of quartz and of mica schist or part mica slate with the two combined at times. A scanty vegetation covered the sand [[strikethrough]]amo[[//strikethrough]] and numerous pretty flowers enlivened the knolls flats. In the wet places carices were [[strikethrough]] quite [[//strikethrough]] abundant and the handsome flowers of the beach pea covered the ground in places with beds of purple