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and violet — I secured a single dandelion beside a number of other flowers which I secured for Prof. Muirs collection. I [[strikethrough]] aslo [[/strikethrough]] also saw several butterflies one of which was captured as it flitted over the sandy marsh. Flitting among the sand dunes or about the borders and over the brackish pools or along the shore I saw Lapland longspurs, Savanna sparrows, Budytes  flava (common), Northern phalorope - Arctic tern - Kotzbue's & Glaucus gulls. Black-throated Loons — Asiatic form of Golden plover — Harelda glacialis,anus acuta. Several Richardson's Skaus and a few Red Phaloropes — A number of [[strikethrough]] this [[/strikethrough]] individuals of this last species were seen out at sea during the PM — some 10 to 15 miles off shore and quite a number of Arctic Loons (arcticus) were out there beside [[strikethrough]] some [[/strikethrough]] a few parrot—billed auks and Murres

The people on shore appear to have about all their goods with them except such things as clay pots, lamps & wooden ware. After an hour or so on shore we entered & went on board and the "Corwin" steamed off toward the head of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Kotzbue sound.

[[strikethrough]] July [[/strikethrough]]

July 14th

[[strikethrough]] Es. [[strikethrough]] At 6:30 am I went on deck and found we were just passing Chamisse Island on the low rounded top of which could by just distinguished the post marking the Astronomical Station erected by the English about 60 years ago — Leaving the Island on

Transcription Notes:
"Skaus" - might mean skua