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When on shore the crowd broke the lodge in which I was buying spec's & I had to make the owner a present. This man like most of the men here carries a breach loading revolver

painted roughly in black. This probably has some significance but what I did not learn.

July 17 - Hotham Inlet to Mt. Hope at 4 am - up anchor & we passed on up the coast with a stiff head wind or nearly so all day. The coast obscured by fog or clouds more or less and when it was seen showing bleak & barren with rounded wind-beaten gray hill tops rarely rising over 12 or 15 hundred feet except back from the coast some distance. Nothing of note took place on the way up. The few snow banks in gullies & other sheltered places about Katzbue so became more & more numerous though still limited in extent and number the farther we advanced to the North. As we passed along a few miles of the low flat shore which makes out a short distance from the hills rising back a little we passed a number of native camps of which all were made of skin lodges. Capt. H. says when he went along this same strip of coast last year at this time from almost every one of the many small lagoons along here umiaks loaded with oil &c came off the oarsmen yelling at the top of their voices to have him stop & trade. The strong wind and the absence of the people at the rendezvous on Hotham Inlet probably accounts for our not seeing any of them this trip. The camps we saw were travelling parties on their way down to the fair.

Murres were numerous all day flapping awkwardly away from the vessel as we came along or passing across the bow & stern in small flocks frequently circling back to get a better view.

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