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by the sloping bed of the gully covered with bright green [[?]] thickly interspersed with rich and varied flowers descinded to the mouth of the creek which sparkled and leaped in mimic rapids down its rocky bed from the heavy white snow banks hugged close to the breasts of the rugged hills forming the rough uneven interior. The gravelly beach with the native camp and the crew from the vessel filling breaker gave animation to this part of the scene and just off shore in the midst of the driving spray and white caps lay the Corwin her outlines showing handsomely. The canyons stretching like arms into the interior leading where the foot of white man never trod looked mysteriously gloomy, from the barren nation of their walls while the rush and roar of the wind sweeping down their courses and over the hills made the forbidding character of the hills still more striking. The dead ashen gray of the hills was lightened here & there however by spots of vivid green. Several butterflies were seen & caught here & then I went up to the top of the cliff where I found the wind flowing so that it was difficult to make any advance except with if & over the cliff. The ground even on the barren rocky windswept hilltop was dotted here & there with numerous handsome little flowers and a single Snow Bunting with three Golden Plovers were seen here. Looking out over the stormy sea two Whalers were seen making in behind Point Hope. I returned soon after to the ship finding all about on the hills the burrows of Parrys Marmot 

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