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sight. The most careful scouting along some 3 miles of crumbling cliff front failed to show the slightest evidence of any of the fossils having come from there - but from their broken character and being strewed along here so regularly it is almost certain that they are brought down in ice from the Buckland River & dropped along here thus affecting a slow but constant deposit of animal remains of a former age with drift logs and other vegetable of today which may in time become fossilized and afford ground for false reasoning. Bones of recent animals such as the Beluga, different kinds of seals - and sometimes Walrus are also [[strikethrough]] [[?]][[/strikethrough]] deposited here at present so a strange medley may result and these animals be

medley may result and these animals be thought Contemporaneous with the musk ox - Bison & Mammoth here.
Forming a thin overlying stratum of [[?]] a few inches to a couple of feet on the upper surface of the ice deposit here & extending in many places for some distance along the exposed section was a layer of fine gravelly sand sometimes coarser & the grains waterworn in many cases though in others the fragments were angular. 
Along the foot of the cliff could be seen in a number of places beds of small angular fragments of lava evidently washed out from parts of the same bed just described. This same superincumbent layer of sand & gravel was seen in several

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